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SMS Teknik launches…
Status – New page for current information on Service Availability
SMS Teknik would like to announce that we have launched our new page – Status.
here you will easily find information about upcoming and ongoing maintenances and also see if there is an ongoing disturbance
Page structure
When you enter the page you will see all posts displayed, sorted by date and time when the message was published
On the right side there are different categories such as Maintenance and Disturbance which makes it easier for you to sort out the information you are looking for.
Here we will post information about upcoming service maintenance windows and our service updates.
We announce our planned service maintenance windows and service updates far in advance.
In the event of a disturbance, information is posted with category Disturbance.
When the disturbance is solved, an Incident Report will be posted where you receive essential information such as how long the disruption lasted and which services were affected.
We are more than happy to receive feedback from you on how you experience this page and what can be improved in the future.
If you have any questions or concerns, you are most welcome to contact us!
Important updates for your access and efficiency in SMS Services
We are committed to continuously improving and securing our services to give you the best possible experience.
Full storySMS Teknik – ISO 9001 and 27001
It is with pleasure that we now can announce that SMS Teknik are certified in ISO 9001 respectively ISO/IEC 27001
Full story