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What is Reply Module?
Reply Module – Connect question with answer
The Reply Module is SMS Teknik’s number pool. When its used as a sender a number is randomly displayed and set as the sender of your send-out.
This make it possible for your recipients to answer on your SMS once within 48 hours and the answer together with your outgoing SMS, ends up in the Inbox of the Web Client.

You can easily choose which sender you want use by checking in the drop-down list “Choose sender name” in the Web client. There you will find the Reply Module as an option, which will make your SMS answerable.
If SMS Gateway is the service you use our Reply Module is an additional service for HTTPS XML API and must be ordered before the functionality is available.
When the Reply Module is used, the following parameters are added into the sumbit:
usereplynumber 0=disabled 1=enabled
usereplyforwardtype 0=Off 1=E-mail 2=Get 3=Post 4=XML
usereplyforwardurl URL HTTP/HTTPS or E-mail
usereplycustomid Custom ID (max 100 char)
usereplysmp 0=disabled 1=enabled
We are happy to announce that we can offer you a own Reply Module.
To have your own response module means that you can choose how many numbers you want to activate in your number pool, which are available for the system to randomly display as the sender when sending.
That is, the function is exactly the same as the ordinary Reply Module except that you are given the opportunity to adjust the time for how long it should be possible to be able to be answer on the SMS.
Another advantage is that it is your “own” numbers that are inside your number pool, which makes it unique for your company or association.

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